Lucrezia Canovi - Y TREE Lucrezia Canovi - Y TREE
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Lucrezia Canovi

Client Advice Processes & Control Lead

After earning a degree in Economics and Finance from Bocconi University in Milan, Lucrezia began her career on the trading floor of Société Générale, specializing in ETFs and derivatives sales. She then moved to the Italian Stock Exchange, collaborating with multiple institutions and focusing on derivatives and fixed income. After relocating to London, she transitioned into asset management, where she traded structured bonds and managed institutional portfolios. At Y TREE, she has strengthened her expertise in financial strategy modelling and now leads on strategic development within the Advice team and enhancing the scalability of the firm’s financial modelling tools. When she is not working on a model, Lucrezia can be found scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea, playing drums or shopping for the latest trends. 
