How compounding inflation could impact your retirement - Y TREE How compounding inflation could impact your retirement - Y TREE

Compounding inflation

If you don’t believe it, ask Einstein

In the current economic environment, you might have to work 12 extra years to maintain your lifestyle.

You might have to work 12 extra years to secure your future

Based on Y TREE data using Blackrock capital market assumptions.

We talk a lot at Y TREE about the importance of compounding. Einstein called it the eighth wonder of the world – if you understand it, you earn it; if you don’t, you pay for it.

The current economic environment – characterised by volatile equity markets, high inflation, increased interest rates and even, perhaps, an income tax hike – means that it’s getting harder for people to see how their finances align with their lives and their plans for the future.

Most importantly, we all need to consider the impact of these factors compounded over multiple years.

Without making adjustments, we have found that lawyers and corporate financiers in London could face up to 12 extra years of work just to maintain their current wealth.

So the questions – When will I run out of money? Can I afford my lifestyle? What should I be doing with my cash? – are the right ones.
To answer these questions you need an objective understanding of your performance, your risk and the fees you are paying. We believe the best way to do that is by sharing with you the processes and practices of the world’s most sophisticated institutions – usually only available to billionaires and sovereign wealth funds.

The benefits of the Y TREE process



At Y TREE, transparency means making the complex simple. We give you a bird’s-eye-view of your financial life so you can make sense of what it means for you and your family.

We aggregate your data, pulling together all the strands of your financial life to give you an instantly accessible, intuitive and objective view. We carry out analysis that provides insight into your income, expenditure, assets and debts.



We create efficiencies at every level with multiple incremental gains that can compound to significant value over time. Compounding is one of the most powerful forces in the financial world; the earlier you start, the greater the impact.

We advise comprehensively on risk, liquidity, currency, cost and structuring – making continuous adjustments when needed.



At Y TREE, we connect your finances - your income, assets and debts - with the things you value most: your plans for the future, your family and the legacy you want to leave.
We design financial life strategies to meet your ambitions and enable you to navigate changes in lifestyle, health, family, business, economies and markets.

The benefits of the Y TREE approach



At Y TREE, transparency means making the complex simple. It means having an elevated perspective over your financial life and being able to make sense of what it means for you and your family. 

We aggregate your data, pulling together all the strands of your financial life to give you an instantly accessible, intuitive and objective view. We carry out analysis that provides insight into your income, expenditure, assets and debts.




Sophisticated institutional investors never overlook the power of efficiency. We create efficiencies at every level with multiple incremental gains that can compound to significant value over time. Compounding is one of the most powerful forces in the financial world; the earlier you start, the greater the impact.

When you understand the power of compounding, every basis point counts. We advise comprehensively on risk, liquidity, currency, cost and structuring - making continuous adjustments when needed.




We believe that the starting point of any advice should always be what you want to do with your life. At Y TREE, we connect your finances - your income, assets and debts - with the things you value most: your plans for the future, your family and the legacy you want to leave.

We design financial life strategies to meet your ambitions and enable you to navigate changes in lifestyle, health, family, business, economies and markets.




At Y TREE, transparency means making the complex simple. It means having an elevated perspective over your financial life and being able to make sense of what it means for you and your family. 

We aggregate your data, pulling together all the strands of your financial life to give you an instantly accessible, intuitive and objective view. We carry out analysis that provides insight into your income, expenditure, assets and debts.




Sophisticated institutional investors never overlook the power of efficiency. We create efficiencies at every level with multiple incremental gains that can compound to significant value over time. Compounding is one of the most powerful forces in the financial world; the earlier you start, the greater the impact.

When you understand the power of compounding, every basis point counts. We advise comprehensively on risk, liquidity, currency, cost and structuring - making continuous adjustments when needed.




We believe that the starting point of any advice should always be what you want to do with your life. At Y TREE, we connect your finances - your income, assets and debts - with the things you value most: your plans for the future, your family and the legacy you want to leave.

We design financial life strategies to meet your ambitions and enable you to navigate changes in lifestyle, health, family, business, economies and markets.


Our clients

Our clients are leaders in many of the top private equity, corporate finance, law, accounting and consulting firms, as well as senior executives and entrepreneurs.

We regularly bring our community of clients and shareholders together, alongside leading thinkers from the worlds of business, art, sport, philosophy, philanthropy, journalism, entertainment, technology and sustainability, to discuss and anticipate what the future holds.


What our clients say about us

This is exactly what I thought and wanted it to be. It is the best, and most innovative concept and approach I’ve seen in this space.

Senior Banker, Investment Bank

What our clients say about us

I don’t say this often but I am absolutely blown away by what you have built. Seriously impressive. I’ll be sending every single one of my clients your way.

Founder and Partner, Career Consultancy

What our clients say about us

Unless I had billions of pounds, I’d never be able to replicate the quality of your team. I don’t want a family office - this is what I need.

Senior Partner, Private Equity Firm

What our clients say about us

Your app is brilliant. It gives me peace of mind having everything in one place and accessible in the palm of your hand.

Former CFO, FTSE 100 Company

What our clients say about us

This is absolutely brilliant. You've captured all the issues with the industry... in a beautifully data-driven way.

Head of Private Equity, London Law Firm

What our clients say about us

This is hugely valuable. It gives me a realistic idea of what I can commit, whilst making sure I am not taking any reckless risks.

Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Private Equity Firm

What our clients say about us

I’m not particularly interested in our finances but for the first time this makes sense to me. At least I know where everything is and we are well looked after if my partner goes under 
a bus

Full-time Parent